Dynamic Power Electric

July 2023 - Ongoing

Los Angeles, CA


Website redesign led to 30% more service requests.

TAG Media Space crafted a modern and responsive website for Dynamic Power Electric. The intuitive design and clear call-to-action buttons enhanced user experience, leading to a significant increase in service requests.

  • What services did TAG Media Space complete for your company?

    Our experience with TAG Media Space has been nothing short of fantastic. Their ability to provide a complete digital marketing solution, covering web design, SEO, and social media marketing, has been a game-changer for our business.

  • What was the goal of this project?

    It was all about expanding our online reach – more people on our website, more clicks, and gaining a solid customer base in Los Angeles. TAG Media Space played a crucial role in our success.

  • How did you find TAG Media Space?

    From a friend who Tahor and his team built a website for. We decided to give them a try, and they’ve been a valuable asset for our business.

Image of Dynamic Power Electric's website

Click Here

  • Provide a detailed explanation of the services TAG Media Space completed.

    The website was revamped, SEO reached new heights, and social media channels were revitalized.

  • How has TAG Media Space impacted your business?

    Thanks to TAG Media Space, our business is doing way better. They’ve been a big help, using smart marketing strategies to get us more customers and make more money.

  • How well was the project managed through communication?

    The project’s communication was excellent. TAG Media Space had a knack for keeping us informed without overwhelming us. Their communication style was key to the project’s efficiency and positive outcomes.

  • What did you find most impressive about TAG Media Space?

    TAG Media Space’s knowledge and skills in digital marketing are top-notch. But what really set them apart was their dedication to delivering exceptional results.

  • Are you a current customer of TAG Media Space?

    Yep, we’re still rolling with TAG Media Space. They’ve been a huge help, always supporting us and keeping things updated.