Green Tech AC
Saw 30% more service requests after optimizing their website for conversions.
TAG Media Space improved Green Tech AC’s website user experience and lead generation capabilities. The changes drove a 30% increase in HVAC service requests.
What services did TAG Media Space complete for your company?
They made a landing page for people to see what we do.
What was the goal of this project?
To just get online, I did not need anything fancy.
How did you find TAG Media Space?
They made a website for a buddy of mine.
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Provide a detailed explanation of the services TAG Media Space completed.
Tahor interviewed us to understand what we needed. It is a very basic website with our information.
How has TAG Media Space impacted your business?
We have a website for any potential customers to view.
How well was the project managed through communication?
We only had one phone call and that was all it took for the project to be completed.
What did you find most impressive about TAG Media Space?
The site was done in a week.
Are you a current customer of TAG Media Space?