
Jan 2021 - Ongoing

Los Angeles, CA

Targeted marketing campaign resulted in 3,000+ new subscribers and a 150% increase in engagement.

TAG Media Space designed and executed a comprehensive marketing strategy for Smyle, leveraging social media and email campaigns. The initiative led to thousands of new subscribers and a significant boost in overall engagement.

  • What services did TAG Media Space complete for your company?

    They created a landing page and e-commerce website.

  • What was the goal of this project?

    To create a website for our brand and for customers looking for more information about Smyle online.

  • How did you find TAG Media Space?

    An acquaintance from the industry referred me to TAG.

Image of Smyle's website

Click Here

  • Provide a detailed explanation of the services TAG Media Space completed.

    They built out a custom home page with a custom function. Then there is an e-commerce side of the site where we sell our clothing and other merchandise.

  • How has TAG Media Space impacted your business?

    We now have a cool website to show people as well as a place for people to order any merchandise.

  • How well was the project managed through communication?

    The project was managed quite well, we communicated over the phone most of the time.

  • What did you find most impressive about TAG Media Space?

    Everything was done on time and according to plan. TAG was well educated throughout the process.

  • Are you a current customer of TAG Media Space?

    Yes we work month to month to update anything new for the site or commerce store.